A Plan for Healthy Food and Food Systems

Many of Ontario’s leading health, food and farm groups have been working on a Food and Nutrition Strategy for the province. We know that a coordinated, cross-ministerial approach to food policies and programming has tremendous potential to make sure that Ontario’s future is one of healthy people, a strong economy, resilient ecological systems, well educated kids and much more.

Access more information about our work on the Strategy by using the Menu in the top right corner.

Related News on the Sustain Ontario Blog
  • NRC Webinar on Marketing to Kids: Introducing Canada’s New Proposed Legislation Bill S-228

    The Nutrition Resource Centre (NRC) is hosting a webinar on Bill S-228: An Act to amend the Food and Drug Act (prohibiting direct food and beverage marketing directed at children) on Thursday, October 25, from 12 – 1:30 p.m. The Bill passed its third reading in the House of Commons on September 19, 2018. Next []

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  • Nourish Recruiting Healthcare Employees across Canada to Influence Food Purchasing!

    Launched just this week, Nourish is an initiative that is developing a two-year leadership development program for innovators shaping the future of food in Canadian healthcare. The Nourish Program According to their website, the national cohort will be supported to increase the role of food in patient care and community well-being. The cohort will be supported by facilitators, mentors, []

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  • Can Twitter lead us to water?

    Join the Nutrition Resource Centre in partnership with EPODE Canada as they examine the potential for social marketing campaigns  to influence human behaviours and to help us make healthier choices like choosing water over sugar-sweetened beverages.   The two organizations are hosting  Using Social Marketing to Promote Water and Reduce Sugary Drinks webinar on June 9 that promises a []

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  • Bruce Grey Food Charter

    The Bruce Grey Food Charter continues to seek endorsements after its fall 2015 launch.  It was developed by Bruce Grey Poverty Taskforce with open consultation with community members.  There are dozens of such local food charters in Ontario addressing critical food policy issues for greater local food security and more vibrant agriculture. The Charter states that it is “a commitment []

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  • Save the Date! June 21 DC Moves Forum in Dufferin County

    Headwaters Communities in Action and Dufferin County will host the second DC Moves forum on Tuesday, June 21.  Executive Directors, program leads, or alternates from human service agencies in Dufferin are invited to participate and provide input. Improving agency collaboration is at the heart of DC Moves, a “made in Dufferin” initiative working to identify opportunities and develop innovative []

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  • Advancing an Edible Education: Government Consultation on Experiential Learning

    The Government of Ontario has initiated a consultation period seeking comments on the Future of Experiential Learning in Ontario until the end of May 2016, as the Ministry of Education is expanding experiential learning to provide students with a broader range of learning opportunities that are “connected to the community”. To help inform the development of this []

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  • Webinar Explores Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

    Will a taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages reduce consumption, and thus improve the health of Canadians?  In a May 5 Webinar, Dietitians of Canada discusses its new position paper that recommends an excise tax on such beverages sold in Canada as part of addressing the negative impact of these beverages on health. While the live Nutrition Resource Centre Webinar currently is []

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  • 2015 Pre-Budget Submissions from Sustain Members and Allies

    A collection of public submissions from Sustain Ontario Members and allies.

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  • Menu Labelling Legislation Re-Introduced

    Yesterday, the Ontario government introduced Bill 45, Making Healthier Choices Act, which includes provisions that would require restaurants and food service operations that are part of a chain of 20 or more establishments to post the number of calories (and potentially other nutritional information) for each food item on their menus.  This was a key []

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  • A labour of love? Debates on anti-poverty in the kitchen, family farmers and food workers

    Food writers in this week’s news have been turning their attention to a food system issue that often gets sidelined: labour.

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