Webinar Recording: Say Yes! to Good Healthy Food in Schools

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Author: Brittany Burrows

Posted: October 22, 2014

Categories: Edible Education Network / Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Schools / Webinars

A recording of the Say Yes! to Good Healthy Food in Schools webinar, which took place on October 7th 2014, is now available for viewing. In celebration SayYesFinalBrown-squareof Canada’s first National Farm to School month, the webinar discussed the new Say Yes! To Good Healthy Food in School tools and resources from the Ontario Edible Education Network and ways to work effectively with school boards to integrate healthy food, food literacy in the curriculum and a Universal Student Nutrition program.

The webinar featured an hour long discussion with presenters Soni Craik of Ecosource (Region of Peel), Brent Mansfield of Think&EatGreen@School (Vancouver) along with Erin Beagle of Roots to Harvest (Thunder Bay). They presented their stories and keys to success as well as the challenges involved with developing healthy and sustainable school food systems. Summary notes of the conversation were typed on the slides, which can be seen below in the webinar video recording and further down in the Slideshare window.

WEBINAR: Working with School Boards to Say Yes! To Good Healthy Food in Schools from Sustain Ontario on Vimeo.


Thank you to all who were able to participate in the event. Feedback from the webinar was very positive and eager to continue building relationships. A webinar attendee shared that the event offered, “invaluable information about working with school boards to support local food initiatives and creating a sustainable food system within schools.”

We would like to thank the presenters for sharing their insights and experiences.

Be sure to check out the Say Yes! toolkit, available on the new Ontario Education Network website. Additionally, the Institutional Procurement Tip Sheet for School Boards, developed by Soni Craik of Ecosource, is a great resource to ensure school boards create successful local food procurement strategies.

For those unable to attend, all of the presentation slides are available at Slideshare.net/Sustain_Ontario. Notes from the webinar about how to get school boards on board, keys to success, and the challenges involved with getting healthy food in schools can be found below.

“Say Yes! To Healthy Food in School” Webinar Notes from Sustain Ontario – The Alliance for Healthy Food and Farming

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