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It has been said that what is counted, counts. In other words, if our food sector initiatives have value, it is worthwhile systematically evaluating that. Here you will find a selection of evaluation tools and frameworks used by leading organizations in the local and sustainable food sector.

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Local Sustainable Procurement

A compilation of resources designed to aid municipalities and Broader Public Sector institutions who want to leverage their public dollars to encourage the production of sustainably produced food.
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Food Waste

Resources designed to enable food waste reduction advocates to spearhead waste management policy initiatives in their regions, while promoting healthy eating habits among residents.
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A selection of tools, frameworks and practices highlighting the diverse approaches to measuring our collective impact in the local and sustainable food sector.
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Community Growing

A collection of resources for those involved in urban and residential agriculture issues, as well as those promoting community gardens.
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Farmland & Agriculture

These resources are dedicated to farmland preservation and other topics of interest to Ontario’s agricultural sector.
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Municipal Food Policy Resources

For community champions and new food advocates who are looking to enhance food policy and program work in their region.
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Children & Youth

Resources for people who are working to connect children and youth with good food and healthy food systems.
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Food Literacy

Hands-on teaching resources for educators; as well as case studies, evaluations, guides, and other resources for people advancing education about our food and food systems.
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Food Justice

Resources to help build and strength a just and sustainable food systems, that focuses on food sovereignty and Indigenous food sovereignty.
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Resources contributed by The Toronto Food Policy Council
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