Celebrate Farm to School Month across Canada!

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Author: Nicole van Riel

Posted: September 22, 2015

Categories: Edible Education Network / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

celebrate_250pxJoin Farm to Cafeteria Canada for the 2nd annual Farm to School Month – a celebration of all that is happening across Canada to get more healthy, local, and sustainable foods into the minds and onto the plates of students!

October is Farm to School Month in Canada. Start the school year by saying YES! to good healthy food in schools. Check out the Say Yes! Toolkit with all kinds of resources for both school food advocates and decision-makers. And for even more inspiration, check out this list of resources.

To celebrate Farm to School Month, you can send Farm to Cafeteria Canada your students’ artwork – a hand drawn picture, poem or a recipe – between October 1st to 31st to win great prizes. This year, the grand prize is a $2000 school garden grant contributed by the Whole Kids Foundation. You can find more information on how to submit artwork, including registration form on the Farm to Cafeteria website or in following PDFs in English and French.

Please share this news through your networks and e-platforms, and directly to schools, farms, parents and students friends and colleagues. Help Farm to Cafeteria Canada inspire Farm to School Month celebrations across Canada!

Find more Farm to School resources through the Ontario Edible Education Network.

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