CFO Expands New Artisanal Chicken Program Q&A
Posted: August 12, 2015
Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / The Meat Press
On August 6th, Sustain Ontario wrote to the Chicken Farmers of Ontario to share our congratulations regarding the recently announced suite of new programs and to address questions raised by our members to help clarify some aspects of the Family Food and Artisanal Chicken programs. These new programs are a great step forward in addressing concerns that were raised by Sustain Ontario members and allies during consultations that were held earlier this year on “Allocating Future Growth.” View or download the PDF: Sustain Ontario letter to CFO regarding new Artisanal Chicken program (Aug 6 2015).
We are pleased to report that the CFO responded today and their staff will be updating the program “question and answers” section to address many of the program operational details outlined in our letter.
Farmers interested in applying to the new programs are reminded that the first application deadline for those wishing to join the new Artisanal Chicken program in 2016 is September 4, 2015. Applications to the new program are available here. Farmers who are currently registered as small flock growers for 2015 to grow 300 chickens or less for home consumption or farm gate sales will be automatically registered in the new Family Food program.
“From the early response, we are confident that this new program will create many new opportunities for smaller scale farmers around the province and will support the industry in meeting new and emerging markets,” wrote Henry Zantingh, Chair of the Chicken Farmers of Ontario. Download the CFO response.
3 responses to “CFO Expands New Artisanal Chicken Program Q&A”
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[…] CFO Expands New Artisanal Chicken Program Q&A (August 12, 2015) […]
SO sends many good questions in a polite & friendly manner to CFO on 2015-08-06. SO received an acknowledgement letter from CFO dated 2015-08-12; just 6 days to respond. Pretty fast, but no answers provided to not even 1 question. CFO says the Q&A section of CFO’s website will be updated with the answers.
Here we are 25 days after SO’s letter, and still no apparent answers on CFO’s Artisanal Chicken pages.
A breath of fresh air & hope with the Artisanal Chicken carrot dangling on a string, then back we go to CFO’s typical performance of hollow promises, bait & switch, secrecy, contradictory statements, & obfuscation.
Glenn .Black, President
Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada
More than 2 months later, and CFO’s Q&A page on Artisanal Chicken doesn’t show any changes that I can see.
Has Sustain Ontario followed up on their questions, and the lack of answers from CFO?
SFPFC also submitted a number of questions. We have also been ignored for 2 months now. We didn’t even get a nice letter from CFO like Sustain Ontario received. See
Artisanal Chicken applicants are forced to make a decision while kept in the dark by CFO. How fair is that?
Typical self-serving behaviour by CFO.
Glenn Black, President
Small Flock Poultry Farmers of Canada