Sustain Ontario Advisory Council Election Nominations Launched

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Author: Ravenna

Posted: June 11, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Opportunities / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

Sustain Ontario membership badge thumbnail wpAre you passionate about the future of food and farming in Ontario? Do you want to be a part of a dynamic, smart and informed group of change-makers from across the province and across sectors? Are you ready to learn, connect, share, and take action?

Then you should run for the Sustain Ontario Advisory Council!

The Sustain Ontario Advisory Council recommends policy and advocacy priorities and strategy for Sustain Ontario, driving the agenda.  This group is made up of thinkers and actors from all regions of the province and all parts of the food system to help Sustain Ontario advance its vision of food systems that are healthy, equitable, ecological and financially viable.

All paid-up members of Sustain Ontario are eligible to self-nominate to run for the Advisory Council.

Nominations must be submitted by July 3. 

Voting will take place from July 9-July 23. Only paid-up members can vote.

Not sure if you’re a current member? Check the membership directory.

Not a member? Join now!

Interested in running? Read the FAQ about Running for the Advisory Council.

Not satisfied by the FAQ? Want to learn more about our governance? Read the Sustain Ontario Terms of Reference.

Ready to run for the Advisory Council? Fill out this questionnaire to self-nominate.

Have more questions? Get in touch with Ravenna by email or phone 416 890 0937.








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