Agrobiodiversity Research Survey looking for input from Ontario Farmers

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: February 24, 2012

Categories: Farmers / Member Feedback / News from Sustain Ontario

Neeraja Havaligi, a doctoral candidate working on research focused on urban agriculture, is asking for feedback from urban farmers in Ontario on the diversity and varieties of crops grown in urban spaces.  The goal of the paper is to gain a overall understanding of the role of urban agriculture in biodiversity conservation, and reinforce the value of urban agrobiodiversity as a tool for increased food security.

All those involved in community gardens, backyard shares, school gardens, home gardens, or practicing urban agriculture are encouraged to take this  brief, confidential survey.

The survey can be viewed here.

The survey will generate information on the  agrobiodiversity of crops grown in the area. It will facilitate existing resources supporting urban farmers and consumers by enhancing local knowledge on agricultural diversity, its relevance to conservation, in addition to providing options for exchange and trade of local seed, produce, and other resources.

1. Identify existing agricultural diversity in urban areas
2. Make a case for urban agriculture as a potential tool for agrobiodiversity conservation in urban areas.
3. Showcase urban agrobiodiversity as a tool for adaptation
4. Reinforce value of urban agrobiodiversity as a tool for increased food security and sovereignty.

This survey will help create an open resource map of urban agrobiodiversity, and help enhance exiting urban agriculture support networks.
More information about Neeraja Havaligi is available here.