Giving Tuesday is just around the corner!

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Author: Shawna Moore

Posted: November 27, 2017

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

What is Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday is about giving back and contributing to organizations that make a difference in the world we live in. Giving Tuesday will be taken place on  Tuesday November 28th 2017. 

If you feel yourself in the spirit of Giving Tuesday, think about giving to Sustain Ontario!  You can go to our donate page and contribute any amount to a series of initiatives that Sustain Ontario is working on. We would really appreciate your support!

By donating to Sustain Ontario you are helping to provide important resources that will help contribute towards providing health food and farming to people of Ontario. We provide important resources that turn policy ideas into concrete actions, we educate through our greenhouse, webinars, and conferences, and finally we provide space for collaborative action through our networks.

You can make a donation of whatever value to anyone of these initiatives!

Creating Educational Resources

The food initiatives greenhouse is a growing collection of community-vetted food strategies, tools, and tactics organized by initiative. By making a donation today you are helping us spread valuable knowledge.

Food for all! Food Justice

Help Sustain Ontario to provide educational resources, workshops, and networks that have a strong food justice framework.

Protect Ontario’s Farmland

According to the 2011 census on agriculture date we lose over 350 acres of farmland every day in Ontario. Your contribution will help Sustain Ontario work with other organizations to provided support and education in regards to farmland preservation.

Edible Education Network

By donating to edible education network you are providing education, resources and support to help get children and youth eating, growing, cooking, celebrating, and learning about healthy, local and sustainably produced food.

So this Giving Tuesday think of Sustain Ontario or anyone of our wonderful  members doing really great things!

Happy Giving Tuesday!!!

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