Locavore Events by Elbert van Donkersgoed

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Author: Katie Rabinowicz

Posted: November 16, 2009

Categories: Events / News from Sustain Ontario

Perspectives on good food and farming

November 13, 2009

Lucky in Land? November 14, Millbrook (near Peterborough)

Come hear from a couple local farmers who will discuss their creative land access arrangements. A representative from OMAFRA’s Succession Planning and Business Agreements Program will also talk about strategies and resources to help you work through succession and make sound land tenure arrangements. FarmLINK Technical workshop.

The Edible City Book Launch, November 15

If a city is its people, and its people are what they eat, then shouldn’t food play a larger role in our dialogue about how and where we live? The food of a metropolis is essential to its character. Native plants, proximity to farmland, the locations of supermarkets, immigration, food-security concerns, how chefs are trained: how a city nourishes itself might say more than anything else about what kind of city it is. Coach House Books descriptionThe Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen Street West, November 15, 2009, Doors open 2 p.m. $5 (or free with book purchase). The launch is hosted by This Is Not A Reading Series.

***NEW***Farmers Growing Farmers Season Extension Farm Tour, November 15

Everdale’s Farmers Growing Farmers program is hosting farm tours of Cookstown Greens and Kestral Farms. We will all meet at Cookstown Greens  at 9:45 am for a morning tour led by David Cohlmeyer. In the afternoon, we will head to Kestral Farms where Peter Vanderpost will show us around his operation. Both Cookstown Greens and Kestral Farms practice season extension techniques and market their vegetables to restaurants as well as the general public.  The tour will focus on current greenhouse and season extension production and provide lots of time for questions. For more information see: Everdale calendar or 647-367-1816 orwww.everdale.org

Webinar: Buy Local, Buy Fresh! November 16

Peter Katona will discuss the growth of the local food movement in Ontario and Foodlink’s experience in connecting concerned consumers directly with farms and value added products in Waterloo Region.  Foodlink has evolved into a unique non-profit organization that is both a marketing arm for local producers and also a community education resource regarding the benefits of local food in building a healthier food system. Register on the Agriwebinar website.

Waterloo Region Food Summit, November 16 & 17

On November 16-18, 2009, world leaders will be meeting in Rome for the United Nations Food Summit to address the hunger crisis which affects one-sixth of humanity. At the same time, residents and leaders in Waterloo Region will come together to discuss the challenges to accessing food in our community, share ideas, and decide what to do to address the situation. Keynotes: a) Kathryn Scharf, Program Director, The STOP Community Food Centre, Toronto, b) Elbert van Donkersgoed, Editor, The Locavore News: Perspectives on Good Food and Farming. Waterloo Region Food System Roundtable Announcement.

Urban Agriculture Symposium, November 20

Backyard Bounty and the University of Guelph will be hosting the first symposium on urban agriculture in Guelph. Symposium will bring together the movers and shakers in the Urban Agriculture scene. The Symposium aims to not only inspire action but address key issues and provide connections that enable the Urban Agriculture movement to advance. Symposium details.

Grown Close to Home – Really! January 26, 2010

Tired of food that looks and tastes like it has traveled miles to your plate? Not really sure where the “Grown Close to Home” food in the grocery stores comes from? Concerned about pesticides and chemicals on your food? Want to eat more local, sustainable food? Join us for a panel discussion about where, why, and how to eat local and sustainable foods in Waterloo Region. Get connected to your food and some of the farmers who grow it. January 26, 2010, 7-9pm, Kitchener Public Library Main Branch, 85 Queen St N, Kitchener.

The Threat of Gravel Pits to Agriculture and Food, February 23, 2010

Over 7,000 acres of the best potato land in Dufferin County has been bought by a company that seeks to mine the land for the mineral aggregates below the surface. Across the province, many more acres of prime agricultural farmland lie on top of valuable aggregates, and existing provincial and municipal policies do little to prevent their conversion to gravel pits. Come hear from a panel of local farmers and activists talk about the threat to our food production and what can be done about it. February 23, 2010, 7-9pm, Kitchener Public Library Main Branch, 85 Queen St N, Kitchener.

Value Chain Management Workshop, March 10

The best lessons tend to come from those who have done it themselves, and the Canadian Farm Business Management Council’s latest workshop will bring the innovators and trend setters to you. Kitchener, partner FoodNet OntarioDetails.