Joshna Maharaj is Sustain Ontario’s newest blogger!

Things looking a bit different?
Nope, you're not on the wrong site – we're updating our look and content! Keep your eyes peeled for more changes!

Author: Joshna

Posted: February 23, 2011

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

The good folks at Sustain Ontario and I have cooked up this idea, and I’m pleased to announce that I will be adding my voice to the collection of blog posts and articles that you’ll find here on the Sustain Ontario website!  I’m thrilled to be working with Ravenna and this enthusiastic team, and will be focusing my blog posts on healthy food environments for young people (and their families) in this delicious province.

There are so many innovative programs, and exciting opportunities out there for kids, teenagers and families to engage with good food, and I’m really looking forward to exploring those and sharing what I find with all of you.  Stay tuned for stories, recipes, photos and video of my travels (virtual and otherwise) around the province in search of a good food story!