Young Agrarians National Policy Jam: Growing Future Farmers

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: January 20, 2025

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites

Young Agrarians invites you to join them for a ‘National Policy Jam’, Breaking Barriers: Growing Future Farmers, in eastern Ontario (Parham, ON) on March 15-16, 2025.

The gathering will be a coast to coast convening of new and young farmers, farmer organizations, farm policy leaders and allies looking to learn, connect and mobilize around better supports for new and young farmers, including access to land, capital, knowledge, and wrap-around supports.

Discussions will be centred around barriers to entry for new, young and underrepresented farmers, share and gather feedback on draft New Farmer Policy Recommendations, and build capacity by growing the advocacy and policy skills of new farmers and farmer organizations. Discussions and feedback from the Policy Jam will also help Young Agrarians push for a National New Farmer Framework and advocate for provincial and territorial New Farmer Strategies.

This event is for you, if you are someone who:

  • Recently entered agriculture, including farm-curious folks and people who have begun farming as a second career (“new entrants”)
  • Identifies as being a young(er) person, between 18-40 years old
  • Identifies as a member of an underrepresented group within the broader farming population, including Indigenous, Black and racialized farmers, newcomers to Canada, women and youth.
  • Works for/with an organization that provides programs and services to new farmers, and/or advocates on behalf of new farmers
  • Organizes around agroecology, food sovereignty, food justice, agricultural succession, and related fields

Learn more and register online here.

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