Webinar: How Ontario Local Food to School Programs are Keeping Kids Connected During COVID

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Author: Carolyn Webb

Posted: October 3, 2021

Categories: Edible Education Network / Good Food Ideas for Kids / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / School Food News / Schools

Farm to School, also known as local food to school, is grounded in re-learning, re-establishing and acknowledging and supporting existing place-based food systems.

Sustain Ontario’s Edible Education Network is pleased to celebrate Farm to School Month 2021 with a 90 minute webinar, How Ontario Local Food to School Programs are Keeping Kids Connected During COVID, which will be held on October 27th, 2021, from 1:00 – 2:30 pm EST. The event will focus on how Planting Seeds of Hope, AgScape, and Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance have modified or maintained their programs because of COVID and how they are supporting connection to students and schools.

Register for the event here!

Our speakers:

Jackie Ryan is the founder of Planting Seeds of Hope (PSOH). Jackie will share how PSOH utilizes 46 acres of land to teach children about soil, habitats and interdependence. She will share how outdoor programs have been modified to meet COVID constraints, and stories of how the land has been a healing force for program participants.

Mercedes Unwin is the Program and Resource Manager for AgScape. Mercedes will share how AgScape has used innovative virtual technologies to expand programming which has led to AgScape having one of its most successful years to date. Learn about their virtual Food and Farm Field Trips and Teacher Ambassador Program.

Allison Whitten is a Registered Dietitian and Coordinator of Farm to School Programming for Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA). Allison will share how HFFA has modified programs to suit various COVID situations, and how the organization has rallied to overcome obstacles.

During this webinar we will share:

  • How programs have pivoted to meet the needs of COVID regulations and restrictions
  • Challenges for programs such as access to schools and safety protocols
  • Successes and challenges with virtual formats
  • Participant break-out session – get to know each other and “food-storm” best practices

Who Should Attend?

Those involved with Farm to School or Local Food to Schools programs.  Those interested in connection to the land, and those who would like to hear how other organizations are navigating food literacy education in a time of COVID.


This webinar is part of Sustain’s school food webinar series on adapting to COVID-19. Recordings of past webinars in the series are available below:

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