Toronto Food Policy Council September 9 Meeting

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Author: Katie Rabinowicz

Posted: September 9, 2009

Categories: Events / News from Sustain Ontario

It’s been said that the young feel tired at the end of a meeting, and the old at the beginning (with apologies to T.S. Eliot), so it only makes sense that the best meeting you could hope for is one that combines the two: the first joint meeting of the Toronto Food Policy Council and the Toronto Youth Food Policy Group on Wednesday, September 9, 2009, from 2:00 – 4:15 pm, in Committee Room #4 at Toronto City Hall (100 Queen Street West).

This special meeting, which will be taking the place of our regularly-structured meeting for the month of September, will be led by the Youth members.  Highlights of the meeting will include a first within a first, a panel discussion that will introduce a youth perspective to Toronto Public Health’s emerging Food Strategy.  There will be much more, including a review of youth food leadership opportunities, an overview of current youth partnerships and a preview of upcoming endeavours.

The youth will provide a fresh perspective to the TFPC.  They are a grouping of young, dedicated citizens who believe in a food system that is sustainable, equitable, regionally-focused and accessible. Â Representing the diversity of Toronto, they will seek to build community partnerships, produce youth-centered policy documents and encourage the development of sustainable food infrastructure in the City.

September’s choice for the Local Food Hero award recognizes the Toronto’s sweetest youth-run socially conscious food business, ChocoSol.  Pedal powered and ethically driven, they’ve found that the formula for sky high success is to aim for horizontal trade – sourcing cacao by building respectful relationships with ecology and community.

Needless to say, some of the all-season features of TFPC meetings will also be there – including the best food networking in town. Seating is expected to be limited, so please come early.

Everyone is welcome!  If you are interested in becoming involved with the youth group, or in seeing what the future of the food movement holds in store, our September 9 is the place to be!

If you have questions or need more information, please call Leslie at 416-392-1107.

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