Heart and Stroke News Release! Time to curb our appetite for ultra-processed food

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Author: Hayley Green

Posted: February 6, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites

The Heart and Stroke has released a report which may come as a bit of a shock for some. Their new research shows that ultra-processed food consumption in Canada is at an all time high and takes up almost half of our daily calorie intake. It discusses how mostly young people are the ones getting hald their calories from processed foods with the highest consumers being kids aged 9-13 who get 57% of their calories from these foods that lack nutrition are are energy dense.

The report explains that our Canadians ultra-processed food consumption has increased since 2004 and Newcomers consume less of their calories from ultra-processed foods than those of us born in Canada.

It also explain shows how Canadians diets have changed in that we have replaced fresh prepped meals and meals from unprocessed or minimally processed foods for diets that contain high amounts of ultra-processed foods. These ultra-processed foods have little nutritional value and can effect ones nutritional quality of their diet, leading to an unhealthy diet. Canada is the second largest buyers of ultra-processed foods and drinks in the world, second only to Americans.

It also explains that food processing is not the main issue- it is the way that ultra processed foods are made. These foods are the problem as they are simply just formulations of substances derived from foods, with additives. These can be known as pre- prepared ready to eat meals in the form of pizza, burgers, sandwiches, frozen dishes, packaged breads and sweetened drinks. As well as sugary drinks, fatty, sugary or salty snacks, candy and sweetened cereals. These sorts of products have twice as many calories and sodium levels compared to other food groups with less protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The report suggests Canadians are not eating enough healthy whole foods and ultra processed foods displace other food groups which may be due to their assertive and attractively marketed packaging and branding.

The effects on our health can be negative and we need to keep an eye on what we eat whether that be through cooking more at home and often as possible and eating a healthy balanced diet with little processed foods! This is not to say that healthy diets are not being consumed as the report shows they are by a substantial number of Canadians! You can see the full report here: full report.

Here’s a quote from the article from Yves Savoie, CEO, Heart & Stroke:

“Food processing has increased rapidly and the resulting products are problematic. We need to work together to change the food environment to make the healthy choices the easier choices,” says Yves Savoie, CEO, Heart & Stroke. “We are looking forward to the release of the revised Food Guide, implementation of new easy-to-understand, highly visible front-of-package nutrition labelling, and legislation restricting unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children.”


Suggestions for eating healthy and local!

An article from Eat Right Ontario describes several ways to eat right, eat local and eat fresh.

  • Buy more food produced in Ontario
  • Learn how to prep local food ‘
  • Plan meals and snacks using local food
  • Preserve local food
  • Join a community shared Agriculture CSA Program
  • Visit a local farmers market
  • Grow your own local food
  • Visit a pick your own farm