Webinar: Sleep, Food Intake, and Obesity in Kids
Posted: March 27, 2015
Categories: Edible Education Network / Events / News from Sustain Members / Webinars
The Nutrition Resource Centre is hosting a webinar with Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput about Sleep, Food Intake, and Obesity in Kids. This webinar will explore the current science on sleep, eating behavior, and energy balance, including proposed mechanisms and implications for public health interventions.
Do you want to…
- Explore the current science on sleep, appetite, and obesity, with a focus on kids
- Explore proposed biological mechanisms linking sleep deprivation and increased food intake
- Discuss potential public health interventions to improve sleep
There is increasing evidence showing that insufficient sleep influences eating behaviors and is associated with weight gain. Short sleep duration, poor sleep quality, and later bedtimes are all associated with increased food intake, poor diet quality, and excess body weight. Specifically, lack of sleep has been shown to increase snacking, the number of meals consumed per day, and preference for energy-dense foods. Insufficient sleep seems to facilitate the ingestion of calories when exposed to the modern obesogenic environment of readily accessible food.
Date: Thursday April 23, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput PhD is a researcher at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa. His research focuses on obesity prevention and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.