Pickering Lands Public Consultation

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Author: Danny Brown

Posted: June 24, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

The Canadian government is currently undergoing a public consultation process and are inviting feedback until July 31, 2013 regarding the development of the Pickering Lands. On June 11, 2013, the federal government announced that the Pickering Lands – an 18 600 acre area 56 kilometres northeast of downtown Toronto – were slated for development including a new airport, parkland, and urban and industrial expansion.   A public meeting will also be held Thursday, June 27 from 6 to 8 PM at the Glen Cedars Golf Club (230, 7th Concession, Pickering, Ontario).

Originally acquired by the Government of Canada in 1972 for the envisioned necessity of a future airport, this land has sat in planning limbo until last week. The government’s plan is to construct a new airport in the south-east corner of the land and reserve 5000 acres in the western portion for preservation as part of the Rouge National Urban Park. The remaining area will be slated for urban and industrial expansion in the hopes that “Durham Region [will be] well positioned to be a hub for transportation, business development, and job creation.” Currently, the Pickering Lands are a quilt of industrial farms holding leases from Transport Canada growing grain, corn, and soybean on large plots.

For more information check out these links:

Pickering Lands Website

Pickering Lands Video

Toronto Star Article

Globe and Mail Article