Member Profile: Ontario Professional Planners Institute

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 5, 2009

Categories: Member Profiles

Ontario Professional Planners Institute

The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) is the recognized voice of the Province’s planning profession. Its more than 3,000 members work in government, private practice, universities, and non-profit agencies in the fields of urban and rural development, urban design, environmental planning, transportation, health and social services, heritage conservation, housing, and economic development. OPPI has a symposium coming up next year that is focused on food planning and food security. Â  A Harvest of Ideas: Healthy Communities and Planning for Food will take place from October 28th and 29th 2010 in Guelph. Further information will soon be posted on the OPPI website at:

oppi _logo

What do you think are the most pressing food and agriculture issues facing Ontario?

For the farm sector it is an on-going struggle to enhance farm viability. Planners play an important role with this – helping preserve the land base and ensuring an appropriate mix of land uses across rural Ontario.

What policies could best address these issues?

Policies at both the provincial and local level need to continue to respect and encourage the role of agriculture and food production across Ontario. This is accomplished through the Planning Act and related legislation, such as the Greenbelt Act and Places to Grow Act.

What role do you see Sustain Ontario playing to address these issues?

OPPI sees Sustain Ontario playing a key facilitation and advocacy role in addressing food-related issues.

By: Katie Rabinowicz
October 2009