Member Event: Join Local Farmers to Stop GM Alfalfa in Ontario

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: October 19, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

From the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN):

The National Farmers Union Grey Local 344 and Region 3 (Ontario) is holding a protest to stop industry plans to pave the way for the commercial release of GM Alfalfa in Ontario! The protest is being held on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, from  12 noon to 1 p.m. The group will gather outside of the Delta Hotel Kitchener-Waterloo, 105 King Street, (corner of King and Fredrick Streets) Kitchener, the site of an industry meeting on GM alfalfa.The Canadian Seed Trade Association is holding a workshop to pave the way for the release of genetically modified alfalfa in eastern Canada. The goal is to develop a “coexistence” plan for GM alfalfa but farmers know “coexistence” is impossible.  Since alfalfa is pollinated by bees, GM alfalfa will cross pollinate with non-GM and organic alfalfa, threatening the livelihoods of family farmers in OntarioPrairie farmers have already rejected GM alfalfa so the industry is trying to find a way to make GM alfalfa available in eastern Canada.   GM alfalfa will not benefit Ontario farmers.

This protest call out was issued by the National Farmers Union Grey Local 344 and Region 3 (Ontario).   For details please contact Charlie Nixon at 519-363-2781 or see
Why is GM alfalfa such an urgent concern?  Alfalfa is a perennial crop pollinated by bees, therefore GM contamination is inevitable.  If  genetically modified (GM) herbicide tolerant alfalfa is released in Ontario it will have negative impacts on many different types of farmers and farming systems, both conventional and organic.  Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) resistant weeds are becoming more common in southwestern Ontario.  Another glyphosate tolerant crop will make it more difficult for farmers to control weeds in their crops and to plan their crop rotations.Why is Alfalfa Important? Alfalfa (harvested as hay) is used as high-protein feed for animals like dairy cows, beef cattle, lambs, poultry and pigs and is also used to build up nutrients in the soil, making it particularly important for organic farming. If introduced, GM alfalfa would ruin export markets for alfalfa products and threaten the future organic food and farming in the North America.
This protest call out was issued by the National Farmers Union Grey Local 344 and Region 3 (Ontario).   For details please contact Charlie Nixon at 519-363-2781 or see