2011 Nuffield Farming Scholarship

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Author: Kyle L. McGregor

Posted: March 10, 2010

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

The Canadian Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trust is accepting applications for their 2011 program. Applications are due by April 30, 2010 and forms can be downloaded from the Nuffield Canada website at http://www.nuffield.ca.

Nuffield Farming Scholarships are awarded to enthusiastic individuals, between the ages of 25 and 45, who wish to explore topics of their choice in agriculture, land management, horticulture or the food chain. Three scholarships of $15,000 each are available for 2011.

“The Canadian Nuffield Farming Scholarship provides innovative Canadians with the funding to travel internationally to expand their personal horizons while exploring agricultural issues and opportunities in a global context,” said Barry Cudmore, Chair and 2004 Scholar. “We are focused on developing the practical, managerial and commercial capacities of each scholar to enable them to be better farmers and business managers and to make a significant contribution to the future of Canadian agriculture.”

The scholarships are awarded to men and women who are judged to have the greatest potential to create value for themselves, their industries and their communities through the doors which will be opened and the opportunities provided for life-long learning and improvement. The scholarships are awarded on the strength of the applicants’ vision, enthusiasm and determination to pursue their farming goals.

A Nuffield Farming scholarship is a life changing experience. Scholars receive a ‘golden key’ to the best production, management and marketing systems in every corner of the world. In addition to embracing the ‘world’s best’ in agriculture, scholars gain life-long friends form around the world, and a deep understanding, and global perspective, of the politics, cultures and challenges of world agriculture.

A key part of the scholarship is the opportunity for winners to study a topic of interest to themselves through out their travels. Scholars must complete their project within two years of the award and are required to travel and study for a minimum of two months in total. On return from their study tour, Scholars are expected to produce a written report and present their findings at the annual general meeting as well as to others in their industries.

Canadian Nuffield Scholars are also required to participate in the Contemporary Scholars Conference (CSC) where they will meet with scholars from other countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and France to exchange ideas and experiences, and join a network of people who are at the cutting edge of primary industry.The 2011 conference will be held in Auckland, New Zealand.

Applications must be received by April 30, 2010. Application forms are available from the Nuffield website www.nuffield.ca

For more information on Nuffield Canada, visit www.nuffield.ca or on Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trust (the United Kingdom site) – www.nuffieldscholar.org.

For more information please contact:
Rod Bradshaw
Secretary, Nuffield Canada
(403) 224 2633