New IPES-Food Report: Building food security and resilience through territorial markets

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: July 12, 2024

Categories: GoodFoodBites

The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) has published a new report, Food from Somewhere: Building food security and resilience through territorial markets.

On their website, IPES-Food explains that recent shocks (like the COVID-19 supply disruptions and 2022’s record food prices) have revealed huge cracks in global industrial food chains, underscoring the importance of resilient close-to-home ‘territorial’ markets.

The report provides a comprehensive overview of these diverse food webs, documenting their critical contributions to sustaining producer livelihoods, ensuring access to healthy food for the poorest populations, sustaining cultures and communities, and keeping people fed in the face of shocks.

“In this era of rising hunger and ecological fragility, global industrial food chains are catastrophically liable to break down under the strain of frequent crises,” says Jennifer Clapp, IPES-Food expert. “To have a chance of reaching the world’s zero hunger goal by 2030, we need to reimagine our food systems. We need to bolster the food markets that serve the poor. And we must move towards more diversity in our food systems. Closer-to-home food markets and shorter supply chains can deliver resilience and benefit people, planet and communities. It’s about choosing ‘food from somewhere’ over food from nowhere.”

Access the full report on the IPES-Food website here.

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