The Great Big Crunch 2023

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: February 10, 2023

Categories: Edible Education Network / Events / Good Food Ideas for Kids / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / School Food News / Schools

This year’s Great Big Crunch is March 9th!

The Great Big Crunch is a Canada-wide movement and annual moment of anti-silence in which students, teachers, parents and others passionate about food join the food movement and crunch into apples (or other crunchy fruit or vegetable) to make noise for healthy school food! Every year since 2008, Canadians from coast to coast have participated in the Great Big Crunch, an original initiative of FoodShare Toronto.

Here’s how to join in:

1. Register your Crunch

  • Help keep track of all the Crunches across the country this year by registering your crunch with the Coalition for Healthy School Food (they want to count your crunches towards the grand total, no matter when you do it or what you crunch — last year, there were 59,513 crunches!)
  • So invite your classroom or your whole school! You can ask colleagues, or friends and family to join your crunch too. If an in-person crunch is not possible, plan an online video call.

2. Prepare your Crunch

  • When planning your Crunch, choose locally grown fruits or vegetables.
  • The Coalition’s Activity Toolkit provides fun, curriculum-linked lesson plans and activities to bring the Crunch to life for children of all ages at home or safely in the classroom.
  • And don’t forget to invite others to crunch with you using the Communication Toolkit!

3. Crunch, crunch, crunch!

4. Share your Crunch

  • Share on social media! Take a photo of your Crunch and share it on social media, which helps make even more noise for healthy school food:

To learn more about the Great Big Crunch, read about the highlights of the 2022 Great Big Crunch here.

We hope to ‘hear’ you on March 9th!

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