Urban Agriculture Certificate Program Fall 2022

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: June 22, 2022

Categories: GoodFoodBites

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of urban agriculture and greening cities?

*NEW* In this online elective course, CVFN420 – Green/Natural Infrastructure, you’ll explore practices such as street tree planting, green roofs, rainwater harvesting, bioswales, and bioretention plantings. Instructor Sheila Boudreau will reference how greening and urban agriculture can intersect to improve the urban environment. Topics include ecosystem services (including social and economic); triple-bottom-line cost benefit-analysis and natural assets infrastructure valuation; the evolution of urban stormwater management leading to nature-based solutions; and Indigenous engagement and conservation efforts.

In the foundation course CVFN410 – Understanding Urban Agriculture, instructors Joe Nasr and Rhonda Teitel-Payne will highlight the practice of urban agriculture in its many forms around the world and show how it enhances and contributes to urban food security, health, community building, sustainable livelihoods and environmental management. This course expands understanding of the potential impacts, constraints, and opportunities of urban agriculture. You’ll also learn how to analyze relevant stakeholders, historical contexts and local, regional and international trends.

CVFN420 and CVFN 410 are part of the four-course Urban Agriculture Certificate Program.

For more information on how to register for the certificate program and its courses contact Reg Noble (Academic Coordinator) at food@ryerson.ca. The fall session starts September 13, 2022.

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