Consultation on Canada’s draft submission to the UN Food Systems Summit

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: April 12, 2022

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Policy News

Following the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UN FSS) in September 2021, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has released a draft of Canada’s proposed submission to the UN, called the “National Pathways Document”, and has launched a consultation on the draft.

The Government of Canada invites producers, processors, Indigenous communities, environmental organizations, small and emerging sectors, individuals, and other interested stakeholders and partners to share their views.

The National Pathways Document outlines the steps being taken towards healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable food systems. It summarizes current steps being taken across the food system in Canada to support the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Food Policy for Canada vision and priority outcomes.

The online consultation will be open until May 6, 2022.

The feedback collected during this consultation will inform next steps in the development and implementation of Canada’s submission to the UN Food Systems Summit.

Learn more and view the draft submission online here.

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