Growing Up Organic hiring Communications & Education Lead

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: December 13, 2021

Categories: Opportunities / School Food News

Canadian Organic Growers (COG) is currently seeking a bilingual Growing Up Organic Communications & Education Lead, to begin in January 2022.

This is a one-year contract position based in Ottawa, averaging 25 hours/week at $26/hour, with benefits after a three-month probation period.

Growing Up Organic (GUO), a program of COG, partners with schools to establish edible garden programs as experiential education tools for all grade levels. Learn more here.

The Communications & Education Lead (CEL) lead is responsible for developing, managing, and delivering the educational resources offered by the GUO program. They conceptualize, write, and update curriculum-linked workshops and educational resources that develop and support COG’s and GUO’s educational objectives. The CEL ensures educational programs meet with provincial curriculum standards and a high quality of performance (experiential and curriculum-linked organic gardening workshops). They work with the Program Manager to secure funding for resource development and special projects, working with schools and school boards to inform the creative process. With support from the Program Manager, the CEL is in charge of overseeing the delivery of workshops as well as the sourcing of local and ecological materials for these workshops. The CEL will work with the Program Manager to organize/implement various program activities, strengthen partnerships with other organizations, and strategize for future program growth.

As communication lead, the CEL will be responsible for social media and newsletters. As facilitator, they will be responsible for leading workshops, on-site in schools and virtually, and adapting them to each class and school situation.

Learn more, including how to apply, in the full job posting. Applications are due by December 31, 2021.

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