Panel presentation on implementing a School Food Program for Canada

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: December 7, 2021

Categories: Edible Education Network / Good Food Ideas for Kids / News from Sustain Members / School Food News / Schools

The Coalition for Healthy School Food’s recent planning meeting began with a panel presentation from three speakers who shared their big picture insights on implementing a School Food Program for Canada.

A recording is now available:

Courtney Wheelton, from First Nations Initiatives, Yukon First Nation Education Directorate, and Heather Mullen, from the PEI Home and School Federation, shared inspiring stories of their work in Canada, and Dr. Donald Bundy, from the Research Consortium for School Food and Nutrition in the UK, spoke about the evidence for school food programs as well as the School Meals Coalition, a global initiative for school meals. Taken together the three panelists provided inspiration to advance healthy meals for all children in Canada.

Read the full summary from the Coalition for Healthy School Food here.

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