Teaching the Curriculum Through Food Video Series

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: October 1, 2021

Categories: Edible Education Network / Good Food Ideas for Kids / School Food News / Schools

Farm to Cafeteria Canada and Growing Chefs! Ontario have partnered on a new video series, Teaching the Curriculum Through Food!

The short (5-20 min) videos are a fantastic resource for teachers and volunteers across Canada who are looking to bring food literacy into their classrooms and engage students through food.

The videos, presented by Growing Chefs! Ontario’s Executive Director Andrew Fleet, are intended to help teachers and volunteers feel inspired, to have more confidence, and to gain ideas to bring food literacy into the classroom and link it to the curriculum. The videos focus on hands-on activities and concepts, and are aimed towards Kindergarten – Grade 8 classrooms.

Throughout the series, Andrew will share Growing Chefs! Ontario’s experience with how children learn about and approach new foods, how to best organize cooking activities in the classroom, and how to help children apply concepts that they’ve learned in the classroom to cooking and preparing food.

The following videos will be released over the next few months:

  • Introduction to teaching the curriculum through food
  • Connecting food literacy with school curriculum
  • Introducing new foods to children: Taste like a Chef!
  • The importance of how we use language with food
  • Tasting strategies for young children (PreKindergarten – Kindergarten)
  • Tasting strategies for primary aged children
  • Tasting strategies for junior/intermediate aged children
  • General do’s and don’ts when introducing new foods to children
  • Food-themed activities without food or tasting
  • Sensory and tasting activities without in-class food preparation

You can access the following videos now:

Stay tuned for more videos as they are released on the Farm to Cafeteria Canada blog.

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