York Region Food Network RFP for Food Security Research

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: July 20, 2021

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Opportunities

The York Region Food Network (YRFN) has released a request for proposals (RFP) for a qualified consultant (or team of consultants) with expertise in food security research, food systems assessments and community engagement.

The selected consultant(s) will work with YRFN to gain a better understanding of what data is currently available, what indicators and measures are missing from existing tools, and what organizations need to better collect data on food security initiatives in York Region.

The goal of the project is to develop recommendations for potential evidence-based solutions on what qualitative and quantitative methodologies can be used by organizations to better understand food access and food insecurity in York Region.

Learn more in the full RFP here.

The deadline for applications is Monday, August 9, by 11:59 pm ET.

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