Case Studies on School Food Programs

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: April 8, 2021

Categories: Edible Education Network / Good Food Ideas for Kids / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario / School Food News

Farm to Cafeteria Canada (F2CC), with support from Sustain Ontario, has been releasing a series of case studies on how farm to school & food literacy programs are being implemented successfully across the country.

Each case study features detailed information on the program, key takeaways and tips, a Q&A with a program lead, and some wonderful photos!

Two of the new case studies showcase programs from Ontario: a salad bar program at two schools in Oakville (from pre-COVID times), and Roots to Harvest’s outdoor food literacy programming in Thunder Bay (which has been developed as a response to COVID).

St. Dominic Catholic Elementary School and St. Luke Catholic Elementary School, two of F2CC’s Farm to School Canada Grant recipients, have found great success in delivering their salad bar lunch programs through a business model launched by two parents. Their case study looks at how they’ve made this work, and what they’ve learned along the way. Read the full case study here.

The Roots to Harvest case study highlights how they have adapted their food literacy programming during the pandemic. Over the last year, they’ve been cooking outside with students, using outdoor pizza ovens, filleting fish, cooking with fire, making apple cider and more (their programming was actually designated an essential service in the schools)! Read the full case study here.

Another case study from British Columbia details how Huband Park Elementary School worked with their Board, Public Health and school administrators to successfully adapt their salad bar to safely follow COVID-19 protocols. Read their case study here.

These case studies are great resources for anyone working with school food programs—during COVID and beyond—and looking to learn from others!

Please feel free to share them far and wide, and stay tuned for more on the Farm to Cafeteria Canada blog.

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