Farm to School Impact Videos

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: March 31, 2021

Categories: Edible Education Network / Good Food Ideas for Kids / School Food News / Schools

How do farm to school programs impact school communities?

Farm to Cafeteria Canada has released 11 impact videos (7 in English and 4 in French). Check them out to hear from teachers, parents, public health professionals and community partners about the positive short and long-term impacts they are seeing firsthand from serving healthy food in schools and engaging students in food education.

These stories echo the message that is shared in Farm to Cafeteria Canada’s 2020 Canada Digs In! Report — that farm to school programs support public health, community economic development, education & learning, and community connections.

A longer 9-minute video communicates these impacts through the story of Primrose Elementary School in Mulmur, Ontario. This video shows how their salad bar program has helped them embed the Farm to School Approach into their school’s culture. Watch the Primrose video here.

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