OTF’s Resilient Communities Fund & Coaching Clinics

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: November 4, 2020

Categories: Funding Opportunities / GoodFoodBites

The second round of applications for the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)’s Resilient Communities Fund is open until December 9, 2020, at 5 p.m. ET.

The Resilient Communities Fund is a fund to support the non-profit sector recover and rebuild from the impacts emerging from COVID-19 so they can effectively meet the needs of communities across Ontario.

Between November 9 – November 27, 2020, the OTF is offering application support through a series of group coaching clinics and one-on-one coaching.

Telephone and Virtual Q&A Coaching Clinics: These informal chats with an OTF Program Manager and other applicants will give the an opportunity to clarify any general application and eligibility questions.

One-on-one Coaching: If you have further questions, you can schedule a one-on-one coaching call with a Program Manager. Visit the OTF’s online booking tool to schedule a coaching call in advance.

Learn more and register for any of the upcoming sessions on the OTF website here.

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