Community-based Postdoctoral Fellowship on Municipal Food Governance and Food Security

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: November 2, 2020

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Opportunities

Applications are currently being accepted for a Postdoctoral Fellow to support the development of the Food Communities Network (FCN), as well as undertake research related to the theme of participatory food systems governance at the municipal, regional and national level.

The position is a 2-year contract (Dec. 2020 – Nov. 2022) and requires a PhD in a relevant field, obtained within the last 5 years. The successful candidate will become a Postdoctoral Fellow at Saint Paul University, supervised by Dr. Amanda Wilson, in addition to working closely with the FCN Project Director, Moe Garahan. A stipend of $45,000 per year will be provided, with a funding period of 2 years.

The FCN, a project on MakeWay’s shared platform, focuses on the sharing of ideas, knowledge and experiences around building food resiliency in municipalities and communities across Canada and on Indigenous Territories.

This project is working to:

  • Increase strategic alignment across national, provincial and regional/municipal food policy groups, non-profits and government staff/elected officials, on approaches and action to reduce food insecurity and promote sustainable food systems at local levels.
  • Encourage communities and municipalities to increase ongoing resources on food planning, policy and programs, including dedication of staff resources in local government and in the community.
  • Share knowledge from and support capacity of 550+ members working at the local level on both existing and innovative food solutions to the broad issues underlying food insecurity.
  • Support groups and individuals working on food policy and food systems at local levels to scale up, scale out and deepen their impact for greater food security, not only affecting work at the local/municipal level, but additionally build capacity to bring leading municipal expertise to provincial and federal tables.

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply here.

Complete applications will be considered starting November 13th at 9 a.m. EST, and continue until the position is filled.

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