FLEdGE Webinar: Shaping Food Policies for Resilient Regions

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 22, 2020

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Webinars

For the first webinar in their Good Food Solutions by FLEdGE webinar series, FLEdGE researchers and community partners will be hosting a discussion on the importance of innovative food policy for resilient regional food systems on Friday, October 30, from 12 – 1 p.m. ET.

Moderated by Irena Knezevic and featuring Sandra Mark, Anna-Liisa Aunio, Anne Marie Aubert, and Johanna Wilkes, this webinar will explore the intersections of regional infrastructure, municipal policies, and local food networks. Panelists will consider how practitioners can work across scales to imagine regional food systems that are more just, equitable, and resilient.

The webinar will be in English with French materials available afterwards.

Register to attend here.

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