Virtual discussions to inform an Evaluation Framework for Farm to School in Canada

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 20, 2020

Categories: Good Food Ideas for Kids / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario / Schools

Farm to Cafeteria Canada and its partners, including Sustain Ontario, are developing an Evaluation Framework for Farm to School in Canada. The purpose of this process is to identify priority outcomes and indicators for farm to school programs that would be valuable to measure.

Please join any of our four 1.5-hour bilingual meetings to help us refine outcomes and indicators and discuss how to measure the impacts of farm to school programs:

Each session will include a very short introduction after which participants will separate into english and french breakout groups for in-depth discussion. An agenda with items for discussion will be sent to participants closer to the event (once we have analyzed Round 2 data). Here is a quick reminder about our process to develop an Evaluation Framework.

You can learn more about farm to school and the process to develop an Evaluation Framework for Farm to School for Canada on the Farm to Cafeteria Canada website.

One response to “Virtual discussions to inform an Evaluation Framework for Farm to School in Canada”

  1. […] can also learn about the current development of an Evaluation Framework for Farm to School for Canada. There are four upcoming 1.5-hour bilingual meetings to help us refine outcomes and indicators and […]

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