Farm to School Month Webinar: Sharing Impacts of the F2S Canada Grants program in Ontario

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: September 29, 2020

Categories: Good Food Ideas for Kids / GoodFoodBites / Growing Good Food Ideas / News from Sustain Ontario / Schools / Webinars

October is Farm to School Month in Canada!

To celebrate farm to school in Ontario, Sustain Ontario and Farm to Cafeteria Canada (F2CC) are hosting a 1-hour webinar on Tuesday, October 20, at 3:30 p.m. ET, to give an overview of the farm to school approach and share the great successes of the Farm to School Canada Grants program which, in Ontario alone, has reached over 15,000 students throughout 32 schools.

F2CC developed the grants program in 2016 with the Whole Kids Foundation to provide Canadian schools with funding and training resources to implement a locally-sourced salad bar lunch service, and give students the opportunity to experience hands-on food and nutrition education. Sustain Ontario is a provincial partner in delivering the Ontario-based grants.

The 2020 grant recipients were recently announced, with 34 new grantee schools across Canada, including 8 in Ontario.

To hear more about these grants and their exciting impact on students, schools, and their broader communities, please join us on October 20th and register for the free webinar here!

Visit the F2CC website here for more details on the program, and stay tuned on their website as F2CC will be sharing more inspiring stories and resources throughout Farm to School Month.

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