Calling on Senators to pass Bill S-228 and Stop Marketing to Kids

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: June 21, 2019

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

Sustain Ontario and our Edible Education Network are among 42 national, provincial and local organizations that have joined Food Secure Canada (FSC) in asking our Senators to ensure that Bill S-228 is placed on the Senate’s priority list and passed before the end of the current parliamentary session.

See the full letter copied below or on FSC’s website:

Dear Honourable Senators,

Re: Canadian food organizations call for the passing of Bill S-228

Today we ask for your support to ensure that Bill S-228 is placed on the Senate’s priority list and passed before the end of the current parliamentary session. We are individuals and organizations working to advance food security and food sovereignty in Canada. The bill is part of the future we hope to see as we build a Canada that is more healthy, ethical and sustainable.

Research shows that over 90 percent of food and beverage marketing viewed by kids online and on TV are for products high in sugar, salt and saturated fats. These highly processed foods do not represent the diverse bounty of agricultural products grown by farmers across Canada. Contrary to the misinformation provided to Senators by some food industry representatives, Bill S-228 will not hurt Canada’s farmers or food producers. Rather, it will encourage children and families to eat more fresh whole Canadian food products such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, meats, and dairy, which are also promoted by the new Canada’s Food Guide as the foundation for healthy diets.

We are aware that industry has been actively lobbying Senators to stall (link is external) the passage of Bill S-228. It appears industry has relentlessly provided senators with fear-mongering rhetoric about agriculture, trade and treaties. There is no evidence that trade will be impacted by restrictions on food and beverage marketing to children. Other jurisdictions, such as Quebec, Sweden, the UK, among others, have implemented similar legislation with no known impacts on trade obligations.

Bill S-228 has been extensively studied and supported by Senators, Members of Parliament, food policy experts, health stakeholders and parents. It would be an incredible tragedy for this bill that will do so much for our children’s health to die on the order paper. We urge the Senate of Canada to take swift action in approving and passing Bill S-228 into law without further delay.

We thank you in advance for supporting this landmark legislation. We know that each of you as individual Senators are also parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and friends of children and want the very best future for each of them.


Gisèle Yasmeen

Executive Director, Food Secure Canada

& see all signatories on FSC’s website here.

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