2019 Terroir Symposium coming up on May 6th

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: April 22, 2019

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites

The 2019 Terroir Symposium is now just two weeks away, taking place on Monday, May 6 in Toronto — are you registered?

The Terroir Symposium brings together innovative people from the field of hospitality and tourism.

This year, 1,000+ chefs, producers, artisans, media, entrepreneurs and storytellers will explore how the choices we make affect the growth, change and collective identity of the hospitality/tourism industry.

The Symposium’s food program is now up: https://www.terroirsymposium.com/food-program

As is the drink program: https://www.terroirsymposium.com/drink-program

Included in the Food Program is Trashed at Terroir, which will feature dishes created from rescued ingredients (ingredients that are often bound for the bin), served up by culinary teams from across North America.

Learn more on the Terroir Symposium website here.

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