Advancing Local Food Procurement Event for BPS Municipalities & Post-Secondary Institutions

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 26, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

The Greenbelt Fund is hosting an interactive event in Milton to support Municipalities, School Boards and Post-Secondary Institutions in their local food procurement goals and actions on Tuesday, November 27, from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The event is open only to Broader Public Sector municipalities and post-secondary educational institutions, who must pre-register a team in order to attend.

“Maybe you find the momentum in your organization is stuck around policy creation, or you have a policy in place but are unsure how to use it in RFP creation, or you have purchasing strategies in place but no formal language around procurement procedures,” the Greenbelt Fund shares. “If you feel stuck or in need of inspiration around local food procurement, get your team together and save the date to this invite-only event.”

Facilitators Soni Craik and Stephanie Crocker will send registered teams a questionnaire in the coming weeks to help identify where in the process your team is at to ensure the right experts are in the room to assist you.

Morning presentations will showcase inspiring leaders with specific sector expertise to share and help each team explore where they are on the continuum from passion to action.

In the afternoon participant teams will be invited to sit down with mentors in the field to discuss ideas specific to their situation and create an action plan for moving forward.

Your team should consist of 2-5 members who have an influence on purchasing, food contracts, sustainability and environmental offices and/or work in economic development.

For more information, visit the Greenbelt Fund website here.


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