CFCC Webinar: What Does ‘Good Food’ Mean? Making Sense of Dietary Science

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 17, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Webinars

Community Food Centres Canada (CFCC) is hosting a webinar, What Does “Good Food” Mean? Making Sense of Dietary Science, on Monday, October 29, from 12 – 1 p.m.

CFCC shares:

“In this webinar, researcher and broadcaster Dr. Jennifer Brady will discuss topics like ‘nutritionism’ and how has it shaped things like the old Canada Food Guide, the ways that class and race inform our notion of good food, and how defining health itself is not a straightforward scientific question, but a construct shaped in ways that sometimes create bias and harm. Dr. Trace Mackay, one of the designers of CFCC’s FoodFit nutrition and exercise program, will talk about how some of these critiques can be taken into account at the level of community-based programs to create a holistic and empowering approach to healthier eating.”

For more information and to register for the webinar, click here.

In the meantime, check out CFCC’s “Four Questions” with Dr. Brady on nutritionism, dietary guidelines and more on their website here.


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