Happy Ontario Agriculture Week!

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: October 1, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

October 1-7 is Ontario Agriculture Week! 

It’s a week to celebrate food and farming across the province, and all of the farm families and producers who work tirelessly to provide us with an abundance of nutritious local food in Ontario.

The preamble of Bill 37, Ontario Agriculture Week Act, 1998 states:

“The food and other agricultural products that sustain our lives are the result of the skill, hard work and dedication of Ontario’s farming communities and farm families. It is important to recognize and acknowledge this ongoing contribution by Ontario farmers to the quality of life of all our citizens.”

How will you celebrate? Tell us on Twitter. And check out the #OntAgWeek and #ThankaFarmer hashtags to see how others are celebrating.

You can also visit the Sustain Ontario Greenhouse and the Foodland Ontario website to find resources to learn more about Ontario’s food and farming systems.

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