A Municipal Toolkit: Facilitating the Agricultural and Local Food Sector in Northern Ontario

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: September 28, 2018

Categories: Food Strategies / GoodFoodBites

A Municipal Toolkit has been released to assist Northern Ontario communities and municipalities in enhancing their agriculture sector and access to local food, Facilitating the Agricultural and Local Food Sector in Northern Ontario.

The toolkit, which comes from a team at the University of Guelph, with support from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, identifies 10 actions that Northern Ontario municipalities can implement to support and grow Northern food production.

Page 5 of the toolkit shares:

“To address issues of food sovereignty/security in Northern Ontario, it is essential to understand the circumstances that limit local food access. To do so, one must identify and evaluate the challenges that producers and processors encounter in getting their products through the value chain to the end consumer. This toolkit was compiled with the intent to assist Northern Ontario municipalities on how to encourage and enhance agriculture and access to local food and ultimately, promote healthier Northern residents.”

View the toolkit here.


Caldwell, Wayne; Epp, Sara; and Howes, Katherine. (2018) Facilitating the Agricultural and Local Food Sector in Northern Ontario. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.

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