Online Survey for Toronto’s Urban Ag Community: How can we grow an edible city?

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: July 25, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Ontario Food Policy

The Toronto Food Policy Council and the Toronto Urban Growers network have launched a short online survey to gather input on how to grow an edible city.

The survey is meant for Toronto urban agriculture and gardening practitioners (including non-profit organizations, urban agriculture volunteers, private businesses and individuals) to share their opinions on what ideas and opportunities should be of focus during the 2018 municipal election campaign.

Q1 on the survey: For the 2018 Municipal Election, the Toronto Food Policy Council will bring forward 3 key ideas for growing an edible city. Which opportunities are the most important to you?

Are you an urban gardener or farmer? Access the survey here.

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