Meal Exchange hiring Campus Innovation Lead

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: July 23, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Opportunities

Meal Exchange is currently hiring a Campus Innovation Lead to join their national team in Toronto and help build the student food
movement in Canada.

The Campus Innovation Lead will be responsible for building relationships and working with stakeholders on various campuses to support student food security, as well as scaling their programs and ideas to new campuses.

Required Skills:
● Post-secondary education in a relevant field, or combination of relevant
education and experience
● 3-5 years experience with project management or program coordination,
including managing budgets and other operations tasks.
● Strong research experience (including survey development, analysis, and
● Excellent communication skills, including interpersonal, written, and public
speaking, as well as workshop facilitation
● Demonstrated ability to lead and manage both large and small-scale teams and
projects with limited resources
● Flexibility with multiple deadlines and ability to multitask
● Able to work both independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced

They are accepting applications until August 4.

View the full job posting and learn how to apply on the Meal Exchange website.

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