Celebrating Local Food in Canada Aug. 4

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: July 20, 2018

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites

Food Day Canada has announced that on Saturday, August 4, they will be celebrating Canada’s Local Food Day, with chefs, restaurants, producers and eaters ready to celebrate our abundance of local food and ingredients, and with that, our “culinary sovereignty.”

It’s a day to promote cooking, eating and shopping Canadian.

“This year,” says the event’s founder Anita Stewart in a release, “on August 4th with the chefs’ community and producers across Canada, will celebrate Food Day Canada’s 15th year anniversary by lighting the most recognizable — and tallest — beacon in the Western Hemisphere, Toronto’s glorious CN Tower.

See the full news release here with the following information and more:

What: Canada’s food community is coming together to declare Food Day Canada/ Journée des terroirs, as Canada’s Local Food Day.  Cook like a Canadian. Eat like a CanadianShop like a Canadian.

Who: Anyone and everyone – chefs, home cooks, farmers, fishers, writers, ranchers – anyone who loves Canadian ingredients.  

Where: Anywhere and everywhere in Canada!  Backyard BBQs, picnics, dine in, dine out.  Enjoy Canadian-grown, Canadian-made food.

When: All day long on Saturday, August 4, 2018.

For more, visit the Food Day Canada website here.

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