Have your say on the City of Toronto’s 2019-2022 Poverty Reduction Strategy

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: July 13, 2018

Categories: Food Access / Food Strategies / GoodFoodBites / Policy News

Help shape the next four years of Toronto’s Poverty Reduction Strategy by hosting or participating in a community conversation or filling out an online survey.

The City of Toronto will be gathering ideas and input until the end of August to help set the priorities for the City’s 2019-2022 Poverty Reduction Strategy Action Plan.

Every 4 years, the Poverty Reduction Strategy plan is updated to refine the actions the City will take to achieve the recommendations in the Strategy.

Community Conversations are happening in neighbourhoods across the city, and residents are also encouraged to host their own conversation with friends and neighbours.

Following the Community Conversation process, the new term action plan will go before Toronto City Council for consideration in early 2019.

Earlier this year, in March and April, the City also hosted 5 public events to set the stage for the next Action Plan. You can read more from these events here.

Designed as a 20-year strategy, which was unanimously approved by City Council in 2015, the Poverty Reduction Strategy contains 17 recommendations across the following themes:

  • Housing Stability
  • Service Access and Coordination
  • Transportation Equity
  • Food Access
  • Quality Jobs and Liveable Incomes
  • Systemic Change

Be sure to have your say in this important conversation. Learn more on the City of Toronto website here.

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