Early Bird Registration for 3rd Annual Canadian Food Law and Policy Conference

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: July 3, 2018

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites

Early bird registration is now open for the 2018 Canadian Food Law and Policy Conference, taking place September 25-27 at Laval University in Quebec City.

“Discussions surrounding new Canadian and Quebec food laws and policies not only focus on the importance of healthy, nutritious and safe food for all Canadians,” the event website states, “but also the impact of individual and collective choices in this area on health, environment and the economy. These policies, which are currently being developed, will provide a new framework for Canadians to think about food security and will necessarily underpin important legislative changes.”

The conference aims to present and discuss Canadian agrifood law as a source of social innovation, changes in agribusiness and more broadly in food diversity and food security.

Check out the conference website here for more on the program, speakers, and registration.

The early-bird rate ends August 12, 2018.

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