#VoteONFood All-Candidates Debate May 28

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: May 23, 2018

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Ontario Food Policy

Join us Monday, May 28 at Ryerson University for an important discussion on the future of food in Ontario as the provincial election fast approaches.

Sustain Ontario, the Ryerson Centre for Studies in Food Security, and the Toronto Food Policy Council are co-hosting an all-candidates debate to talk about food issues, with topics ranging from food insecurity, food justice and student nutrition to agriculture, sustainable food systems and the local food economy.

All four of the main parties in the Ontario election have been invited, and six questions have been prepared for each party to answer. Priyan De Silva, Green Party candidate for Scarborough-Rouge Park, has been confirmed to join us. We look forward to confirming Liberal, Conservative and NDP candidates.

Remember to bring with you the 12 Big Questions postcard.

We hope to see you there!

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