Langford Conservancy Hiring Senior Organic Farm Intern

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: May 15, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

The Langford Conservancy is hiring a Senior Organic Farm Intern with carpentry skills to start immediately at the Hearts Content Organic Farm in Brantford.

The 7-month full-time position is for someone with several years of organic farming experience and some carpentry skills, 30 years old or younger. Rental accommodation is available if needed.

The posting states: “As part of the farm team you will be involved in all aspects of agri-tourism on the farm throughout the growing season, including organic seed selection, planning plant walks (for organically cultivated crops and wild-craft walks), working with the electric tractor, preparation of plant beds, plant identification, guiding plant walks, harvesting and market table preparation for market stand on the farm, organic weed and pest control and making value added products including preparing salves, teas and tinctures.”

View the full job posting on the Langford Conservancy website.

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