Food Loss + Waste Cost-Share Program for Canadian Food and Beverage Manufacturers

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: March 26, 2018

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Opportunities

The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity & Provision Coalition have launched a new one-year national Food Loss + Waste (FLW) Cost-Share Program. This program is exploring attitudes towards food loss + waste and incenting 50 Canadian food or beverage processors/manufacturers with identifying and implementing prevention and reduction solutions.

To learn more about how this program can help your facility, view:

Program Overview – Cher Mereweather, Executive Director, Provision Coalition
Overview of Facility FLW Assessments – Bruce Taylor, Enviro-Stewards

To learn more about the new research into Canadian perceptions of food loss + waste, view:

FLW Public Trust Research – Crystal Mackay, President & CEO, Canadian Centre for Food Integrity

For more information about the program check out our info sheet, or to register contact Marcy Lillard, FLW Program Coordinator at 519-822-2042 x3.

This program is being funded as part of a grant provided by the Walmart Foundation.

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