Anderkin Foods Inc.| Hive N Hoe Country Store
Posted: February 26, 2018
Categories: GoodFoodBites / Growing Good Food Ideas
Heard of Hive and Hoe Honey Country Store or Lazy J Ranch? This great Country Store and business produces and sells only the best and freshest 100% Ontario honey as well as provides various services such a pollination services and beekeeping supplies. They have been in business for over 26 years and now manage 1500 hives in 3 counties. For more information on their business and contact info click here!
As a former student employee, Guy Anderson and his wife Gail, are two of the best employees I have worked for. The summer I worked there many years ago, we all worked as a team and had equal roles within the garden, in the honey factory shed extracting the actual honey and at the retail counter. You can see the processes of extracting their honey here in the short film on youtube.
The Anderson’s business specializes in pure wildflower and clover honey. Trust me, it is the best honey I have ever tasted! The Anderson’s managed 1200 colonies in the south Bruce and their beekeeping operation is one of the top ten largest ones in Ontario! They have hives over 50 areas of farms distributed from Lucknow to Southampton, Port Elgin, Bruce Township, Kincardine and Kincardine Township, Hanover and Holland Centre.
The Anderson’s honey is over 90% clover and alfalfa due to the strong crop presence in the areas. Yellow cover, spring and wildflower, canola, apple blossom and buckwheat are available as well.
Pollination Services
- Offers large and small scale pollination services to farmers and agricultural businesses in Canada
- Can help to improve and increase the chance of a successful yield of produce/seed
Bee Keeping Supplies
- Stocks beekeeping supplies for commercial and hobby beekeepers
But…what are the advantages to pollination anyway?
- Bees help set as many of the early vigorous blossoms as possible.
- Larger and more uniform fruit and increased pounds per acre are associated with an increased number of bee visits.
- A Higher Concentration of Bees In Your Orchard can Make you Money.
- Honey Products ( retail and Wholesale Honey)
- Beeswax candles
- Pollen
- Propolis
- Nucs
- Single Hives
- Seasonal Vegetables
- Homemade James, jellies and honey mustard
- Unique crafts
- Handmade local artisian products