Vote Food Initiatives into Ontario 2018 Budget

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: January 18, 2018

Categories: Edible Education Network / Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Ontario Food Policy / Policy News

Until 5:00pm, Friday, January 26, you have the opportunity to vote on suggested ideas for the 2018 provincial budget.  In a site called Vote on Budget Talks, citizens have the ability to vote for up to three of the thirteen ideas generated by the Budget Talks consultation process.  It is noteworthy, that four of these thirteen ideas are food system related.  In the 2018 Budget, each of the ideas that receives the most votes, could receive up to $5 million.  The four food ideas on the menu are:

  • Food education for kindergarten and elementary students
  • Increase access to healthy food in Northern Ontario
  • Research study to reduce food waste from retailers
  • Edible garden program in elementary schools

If any or all of these ideas appeal to you, take the time to log in to the Vote on Budget Talks Site and cast your vote(s).  It’s that easy.

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